quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

The theory of set desire

How one goes about from one moment to the other
_____ all the while enduring such a middle-ground
as we may call life ____________ is the case.

I argue for desire. For set desire.
The desire that you know from within,
from past experiences, from ________

A good book and a finger of
twelve year-old single malt on
your favorite room of the house:
the old armchair by the window
under the garland lamp.

A pint of Guinness with Pedro
a childhood friend, at the pub
downtown by the river.
Few words spoken but enough
shared look, apropos the whirling crowd,
to make us feel embraced.

An eight mile run at sunrise
with enough cold wind to
make you run faster and trick
your scary thoughts.

A weekend getaway headed south
to the lemon trees and the house thereof
the scents substituting for sound, as
silence and a broader sky appease.

Moments like these, desired,
through a mixture of good memories
and serendipitous discoveries
serves to show us that life
is not a continuum of hours
but what remains of set
fulfilled, lingering desires.

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